Best 10 Healthy Food for summer


How are you  going welcoming this summer? With sunscreen lotions, sunglasses and air conditioners? But what about the foods?

Yes, summer foods? We all love our summer vacations but we often tend to overlook the summer foods.

Resulting in overindulgence of cold drinks and ice creams that lead to unnecessary weight gain.

Most people are at risk of heat strokes, dehydration, gastroenteritis, blocking of skin pores leading to outbreak of pimples or extreme dryness of the skin, various skin rashes caused by accumulation of sweat, itchy scalp, dry and cracked feet, and weight gain. Not to mention, that the heat drives us to opt for junk foods like ice cream sandwich, and aerated drinks. Keeping our own unhealthy tendencies in mind.

Top 10 Healthy Food You Should Try in This Summer.


As the name goes, Watermelon is made up of 92% water and is a brilliant rehydrating agent. Apart from keeping you hydrated, watermelon is rich in lycopene, antioxidants, Vitamins A, B6, and C, potassium, and amino acids. Watermelon contributes to heart health, bone health, hydration, digestion, skin and hair health. It displays anti-inflammatory properties as well as helps prevent cancer. However, it may prove harmful to people who have excess potassium in their blood.


Known as the “King of Fruits” in India, both unripe and ripened mangoes have immense health benefits. Mangoes are sweet enough to curb your sugar requirement without harming your body. One cup of a mango can provide you with your daily dose of sodium, fiber, sugar, Vitamins A,B6, and C, folate and over 20 other minerals and vitamins which help prevent obesity, heart diseases, and control diabetes as well as aid in digestion. Its antioxidant properties protect the degeneration of the skin, especially eyes. Mango also contains carotene which prevents asthma, Lung , mouth and prostate cancer. 

Sweet Potatoes:

Sweet Potatoes are summertime street food in most of North India. Baked or steamed sweet potato is a summer favourite and with reason too. Sweet potatoes are rich in Vitamins B6 and C as well as beta-carotene which converts to Vitamin A once inside the body. They are also rich in several minerals like calcium and potassium as well as oxalates which binds these minerals together. They also are antioxidants and help reduce the risk of cancer, assist digestion, regulate type 2 diabetes, and boost immunity. However, one must remember that too many oxalates in the human body increases the risk of the development of kidney stones and in some cases, even leads to the development of kidney stones.

Aam Panna – Raw Mango Drink:

This drink reminds of the long forgotten balmy and lazy summer afternoons from our childhood. Admittedly, global rising had not made summers as unbearable as they are now and our grandparents were skilled at making this delicious and refreshing drink, insisting that it was a must summer drink. Made of unripe green mangoes which are rich in pectin, and oxalic, citric and malic acids. This light yellow drink is rich in Vitamins B1 and B2, Vitamin C and is believed to prevent gastronomical disorders like dysentery and cholera, TB, and anaemia.


This tangy super-drink from southern India is a lip smacking delicacy which is equally good and healthy. Depending on what ingredients are used to make a rasam, it is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, iron, potassium, copper, selenium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, folic acid and niacin. Rasam displays antioxidant properties and helps prevents constipation and cancer. Rasam is also believed to assist with digestion, and weight loss.


Tomatoes have been a part of everyday foods in the Indian household. They are used to add a tangy flavour to most vegetable curries, for dal tadka, as a complex flavour to be added in non-vegetarian dishes, chutneys, even eaten raw as part of salads. Maybe the ancients were onto something when they decided to add tomato to all parts of our cuisine. It turns out tomatoes are superfoods, they are rich in Vitamins A, B2, and C, folate, chromium, fibre, and potassium. Tomatoes help with the prevention of chronic diseases like autoimmune disorders and heart diseases. Lest we forget to mention tomatoes also help in protecting your eyes from harmful rays of the sun, making bones stronger, digestion, prevention of stroke, aging as well as skin cancer.

Lauki or Bottle Gourd:

Lauki or bottle gourd has not been a favorite vegetable for most of us. A little sweet in taste, this vegetable continues to repel children successfully, however, now would be the right time to listen to our elders and brave through a bowl of lauki which is also known as a super-vegetable. Lauki is rich in riboflavin, Vitamins B & C, magnesium, iron and zinc. It helps regulate body temperature and blood pressure, assist weight loss, skin care by cleansing the skin as well as controlling its oil production, beats constipation and prevents urine disorders as well as kidney stones.

Lima Beans:

Also known as “sem” in hindi, these beans have been a summer time favourite in India. While the rest of the world prefers to only eat the lima bean pods, Indians also eat the cover of these beans. Lima beans are so versatile, they can be combined with almost any food item from whole grains to non vegetarian curries. Lima beans are rich in cholesterol controlling fibers, magnesium, folate, iron and manganese. They assist the body in regulating diabetes, detoxify sulphates, even lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Combined with whole grains like rice, they also become good substitutes for proteins sans the fats.


Other white meat that one should have regularly is fish. Fishes are fairly easy to make and rich in several essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids. In fact, during summers when the sun is unforgiving and sun rays harmful, fish is the best source of vitamin D. Fish prevents deterioration of the brain due to aging, regulates diabetes, reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks and assist in the growth and development of the body.


Summers are the time when one should avoid red meat and animal fat which are harder to process and digest. Consumption of red meat during summers can cause several health problems including dehydration. A good substitute for red meat or even pink meat is white meat, especially chicken. Chicken is rich in protein, Vitamins B2 and B6, retinol, alpha and beta carotene, niacin and selenium. It is also powerful antidepressant and can aid in taking care of any anxiety or depression caused by the seasonal change or heat. Chicken also has positive impact on the development, protection and function of teeth, kidney, bones, nervous system, and liver. It prevents bone loss, reduces risk of developing cardiovascular diseases as well as contributes to the health and protection of eyes